Virgilio Sieni, Come Corpo Luce_Summer school on the art of gesture 22-28 May

22 May 2023

The experience of Monte Verità recalls a more current way than ever of inhabiting the world according to the attention paid to things, to others and to nature. The tactile and proximity world that emerges from the physical and experiential testimonies of that period is of great teaching: opening up to the practices of the body becomes a way of knowing the relationship with nature by giving in to the declinations of listening and waiting and turning to creation of community and shared gestures.

Virgilio Sieni

COME CORPO LIGHT / Summer school on the art of gesture is a project by Virgilio Sieni created for the MAN Art Museum of the province of Nuoro. Proposed as a path in relation to the historical experience of the school on the art of dance by Rudolf Von Laban, it is based on the sharing of practices between space and body where the primary elements of movement – gravity, resonance, transmission, rhythm, flow, dynamics and breathing – become the basis for a shared reading of action between empathy and immersion with the environment, between the search for individual and shared tactile space, between free dances and community of gesture for an ecology of living.

The project offers performances, meetings and creation paths for dance professionals and non-professionals with the idea of ​​creating an unprecedented training context for the Sardinian territory based on participation and shared reflection on practices between artistic research and the environment, citizenship and care. of places through a renewed sense of attention paid to the body as the key to inhabiting complexity.

The program includes two site-specific performances – THE BATHERS And AS A LIGHT BODY– born as the result of two workshop paths with local people inspired by the ritual and historical dimension of Monte Verità; IN FRONT OF THE EYES OF OTHERS, a show by and with Virgilio Sieni in which the artist instantly elaborates the complex potential and opportunities of the gesture following a meeting with a community of resistant citizens and to conclude a LESSON ON GESTURE, a moment of sharing and collective practice to return to recognizing ourselves in the languages ​​of art, body and dance.