Calendar of February events

1 Feb 2023

The events accompanying the exhibition continue Picasso and Guernica. Genesis of a masterpiece. Against all wars, closing on February 19th.
Sunday 5 February – free entry

New appointments with guided tours by Alessandro Moni. You can book by writing an email to or by telephone at 0784.252110.
The meetings will be held on the days of Sunday 12th and Sunday 19th February, at 5.30pm.

Friday 3 February at 6.30pm evening of Argentine tango with Juan Marchetti and Tamara Bisceglia , two great professionals tangueros who for the occasion will adapt the show for the museum rooms.

The conference “The symbolic value of the bull in prehistory and antiquity” will be held on Tuesday 7 February at 6.30 pm by Stefano Giuliani , Archaeological Officer of the Sardinia Regional Museums Directorate,

National Archaeological Museum “G. Asproni” of Nuoro.