In the folds of the world

The exhibition In the folds of the world proposed ten artists invited to measure themselves with the theme of the landscape as broadly understood: urban, architectural and human, as an […]

The exhibition In the folds of the world proposed ten artists invited to measure themselves with the theme of the landscape as broadly understood: urban, architectural and human, as an individual or group portrait, as a socio-anthropological reflection, as an interior and soul landscape, as a memory and image of feelings. Mircea Eliade says that “in any place there is a Center of the world” that we must take care of, a goal to aim for, a space of meaning that must be reconquered through a project to recognize the multiple values ​​of a place and love it.

Artists on display:

Isabel Banal, Mizuno Katsunori, Marco Lampis, Dacia Manto, Paolo Meoni, Margherita Moscardini, Alessandro Piangiamore, Alia Scalvini, Pietro Sedda, Kan Xuan.

In the folds of the world