Juan Miro

Lyrical horizon_Painting, sculpture, drawings

Organized in collaboration with the Pilar y Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca constitutes the most important event of the museum’s exhibition season, promoter and organizer of a demanding exhibition which will bring together until 24 February 2002, a stupendous series of 77 works by the important Spanish master, belonging to the Foundation: large paintings on canvas and on panel, sculptures and drawings, some of which have never been exhibited before. The large paintings offer an important glimpse into Mirò’s work from the mid-1960s until 1978. These are the years of the radicalization of his work which leads to its final consequences the consideration of the creative act as the abolition of everything pre-existing, the famous killing of painting, proclaimed between 1930 and 1931 in a tireless and inexhaustible creative search that accompanied him until his death in 1983. The works on paper offer the singular opportunity to get closer to the germinal moments of Myron’s creation by proposing an extraordinary series of drawings of great poetic force, a manifesto of his declaration The principle is everything, it’s the only one that interests me. The principle is my reason for living. The sculptures instead propose an unprecedented reflection on the artist’s restlessness for three-dimensional processing which has its roots in the beginning of his artistic vocation. An interesting proposal that allows us to add a lesser-known aspect of his production and at the same time gives a more complete vision of this great artist.

On the occasion of the exhibition, a bilingual Italian-Spanish catalog will be published, accompanied by a critical essay by the curators, Fernando Castro and Cristiana Collu, and by Julio Cesar Abad.

The Joan i Pilar Mirò foundation in Mallorca has as its main task to disseminate the work of Joan Mirò and to stimulate the creation and understanding of the aesthetics of contemporary art. For this reason, one of the priority commitments is to maintain a lively loan dynamic in the context of the organization of especially international exhibitions.

In 1981 Mirò made an important donation to the Municipality of Palma de Mallorca and the Foundation of the same name was established in the place most loved by the artist, the environment and his creations finding their most intimate dimension and maximum harmony.

Edited by Fernando Castro and Cristiana Collu

Juan Miro