Proposals from the teaching department for the month of JUNE

28 May 2024

Registration is now open for the educational workshops with guided tours for the new summer season, dedicated to groups, playrooms and individuals of different ages.

Our proposals intend to offer an interactive journey and a playful approach to current exhibitions and the world of artistic language. Information and reservations on tel.346 3038769

Groups Option: Tuesday, Thursday or Friday from 9.30 to 11.30

€3 per person (reduced ticket)

Anyone who thinks that games are only useful for children is wrong. After the success of the March session, MAN invites adults to get involved and offers a series of meetings to experiment with playful-creative techniques that are absolutely an end in themselves.

A fun and relaxing way to “switch off”, to go back to being a child, to experiment and, perhaps, discover hidden aptitudes. No previous skills are necessary, simply the desire to return to one’s “zero point”.

Adults: Wednesday morning from 10am to 12pm or afternoon from 5.30pm to 7.30pm

Children aged 14 to 18: Thursday afternoon from 5.30pm to 7.30pm

€5 per person (full ticket)

The appointment with the report card party is back in Piazza Sebastiano Satta with a surprise activity that will involve all the classes that want to participate. At the end, each child will receive the MAN’s “Budding Artist” report card.

Opening hours and information on 346 3038769

Inspired by the various works on display which have yarns, embroidery and weaving as their theme, the workshop aims to bring together the work, imagination and manual skills of different participants for the construction of a fabric panel which will be exhibited in the workshop during the summer.

from 9.30 to 12.30

€5 per person (full ticket)

Created to raise awareness of the development and use of wind energy, it reminds us that the wind not only offers clean energy but also infinite beauty. The leaves moved by the wind, the countryside with blond waving fields, the splashes of water on the rocks… the wind transports, cleans, refreshes and sometimes, with its violence, destroys. The wind is a symbol of freedom.

During the workshop, small kinetic works inspired by Bruno Munari’s “useless machines” and Alexander Calder’s “mobiles” will be built.

from 9.30 to 12.30

€5 per person (full ticket)