‘Tactility’ calendar | Summer school on the art of gesture’

21 May 2024

Concept and choreography by Virgilio Sieni
In collaboration with Franco La Cecla
Artistic assistance Donatella Cabras

A project of the MAN Museum of Art of the Province of Nuoro
he was born in Virgilio Sieni National Dance Production Center
in collaboration with Out of margin / Dance Production and Performing Arts Center of Sardinia

With the patronage of the Municipality of Nuoro

TACTILITY / summer school on the art of gesture it is a project of Virgilio Sieni designed for the MAN.

The project offers performances, meetings and creation paths for dance professionals and non-professionals with the idea of ​​creating an unprecedented training context based on participation and shared reflection of practices between artistic research and the environment, citizenship and care of places through a renewed sense of attention paid to the body as the key to inhabiting complexity.


Various places in the city, starting from Piazza Vittorio Emanuele
SLEEP IN THE CAR _performance
Of Virgilio Sieni
in collaboration with Franco La Cecla
interpreters townspeople and citizens

TEN Eliseo Theater Nuoro
Via Roma 73
interpreters Virgilio Sieni And Andrea Rebaudengo

SLEEP IN THE CAR _performance
Of Virgilio Sieni
in collaboration with Franco La Cecla
interpreters townspeople and citizens

ore  17
MAN Museo d’Arte della Provincia di Nuoro
Via Sebastiano Satta 27
di Virgilio Sieni in dialogo con l’opera di Giorgio Andreotta Calò
regia Federico Bucalossi e Virgilio Sieni
interprete Claudia Caldarano

MAN Art museum of the province of Nuoro
Via Sebastiano Satta 27
Practical lesson conducted by Virgilio Sieni and open to everyone
music Pierpaolo Vacca (performed live by the author)

Various places in the city, starting from Belvedere Cattedrale S. Maria della Neve
SLEEP IN THE CAR _performance
Of Virgilio Sieni
in collaboration with Franco La Cecla
interpreters townspeople and citizens

8.00 pm
Piazza Sebastiano Satta, Nuoro
ARCHEOLOGY _performance
choreography and space Virgilio Sieni
music Pierpaolo Vacca (performed live by the author)
interpreters citizens and performers


SLEEP IN THE CAR _performance
Of Virgilio Sieni
in collaboration with Franco La Cecla
interpreters townspeople and citizens