CINEMAN – BISIONES film review

15 Apr 2024

Between April and May, the MAN becomes the theater of the film festival BISIONES , curated by the director Francesco Pirisi .

Four films, made in Sardinia, offer a look at the dreams, fears, past and present of the island and its inhabitants. It will be an opportunity to attend screenings in the presence of the directors themselves who wrote the works: Enrico Pau , Peter Marcias , Salvatore Mereu And Laura Luchett the.

Let’s start the April 27 , with The shadow of the fire , by Enrico Pau. A documentary that takes us to the burnt landscapes of Montiferru, bearing witness to the pain and rebirth of a land marked by fire.

Let’s continue on May 11th , with A look at the earth , by Peter Marcias. An in-depth examination of Sardinian documentary cinema, starting from Fiorenzo Serra’s 1965 classic. A film that reflects on the power of images and the narration of Sardinian history and culture.

The May 18th , awaits us Bentu . A drama by Salvatore Mereu set in the Sardinian fields, where the protagonist fights against time and nature waiting for the wind.

We close the 30 May, with Twin Flower by Laura Luchetti. A tale of escape and love through the landscapes of the island.

We invite you to join us in exploring the island through the eyes of some of our most talented filmmakers, who will be available to engage with audiences and provide insights into their work.

Saturday 27 April at 6.00 pm

The shadow of the fire , by Enrico Pau

documentary, Sardinian/Italian, 64min

July. Montiferru appears like a black desert after the fire. Nature and the economy are devastated, people look like ghosts among the burned olive groves.

Many mourn a deep wound that affects the collective memory. The elders say they will never see the return of what was lost.

However, amidst the desolation, the song of cicadas emerges. For a year, we have documented the rebirth of nature and collected the testimonies of those who experience this tragedy.

Saturday 11 May at 6.00 pm

A look at the earth , by Peter Marcias

documentary, Italian, 100min

A documentary about documentaries: this is the monumental objective that the Sardinian director has set himself with his latest project, A look at the earth .

The film was born from the desire to recover one of the most important works of the cinema of reality, that is The last handful of earth by Fiorenzo Serra (1965).

Peter Marcias starts from Fiorenzo Serra’s documentary and carries out an all-round reflection on the image and on Sardinia.

Saturday 18 May at 6pm

Bentu , by Salvatore Mereu

Drama, Italian/Sardinian, 70min

Raffaele has just harvested his small pile of wheat which will be his entire year’s supply. In order not to be caught unprepared, he has been sleeping in the countryside for days, away from everyone, waiting for the wind to arrive and help him finally separate the grains from the straw.

But the wind doesn’t want to be seen. Only Angelino comes to visit him every day to make him feel less alone.

One day, perhaps, when he grows up, Raffaele will be able to lend him his indomitable mare and he will finally be able to ride her. But Angelino doesn’t want to wait.

Thursday 30 May at 6pm

Twin flower , by Laura Luchetti

Drama, Italian/Sardinian, 70min

Basim is an illegal immigrant from the Ivory Coast, Anna the daughter of a migrant trafficker.

Escaping through the mysterious and beautiful landscapes of Sardinia, they will find together, in love for each other, the strength to walk towards the future, without looking back.