Earth Day – April 22, 2024 – Educational workshops

12 Apr 2024

Earth Day April 22

I’ll take care of you

ceramic workshop

April 22nd from 10:00 to 12:30

Established in 1970, the Earth Day celebrates the commitment and safeguard towards the protection of life and the conservation of natural resources.

This important event reminds us of the importance of preserving the environment for future generations. The impact of human activities has accelerated the processes of deterioration, leading to the extinction not only of numerous animal species but also of plants and flowers around the world.

With the aim of promoting a symbolic gesture of care and protection towards nature, the department offers a workshop dedicated to adults. During the appointment, participants will be guided in the creation of a unique vase, specifically designed to house a plant.

The vase, made of clay, can be shaped and decorated according to the participants’ wishes. At everyone’s discretion, the artefact can be fired to become a real clay vase or left intact, becoming part of the life cycle of the plant. If the latter is chosen and placed in open ground, the pot will slowly melt, transforming into fertile soil which will nourish the plant itself. This symbolic cycle represents our commitment to a more harmonious and sustainable relationship with nature.

Cost of the workshop: €5

Max 10 participants

To register call 3463038769


Introductory laboratory to the silk-screen printing technique

22/23 April from 4.00pm to 6.30pm (GLO space)

The teaching department presents the first of a series of events dedicated to printing techniques, designed for children and adults. The laboratory inaugurates the exploration of the artisanal technique of screen printing, both on paper and fabric. Participants will have the opportunity to carry out the various steps of this technique, starting from the preparation of the design up to the creation of the frame and the printing phase. Participants will thus be able to experiment and learn the fundamental techniques for creating unique and personalized works through screen printing. An educational experience that will allow participants to explore the world of printed art in a creative way.

Max 10 participants

Cost: ticket €10 (materials included)

To register call 3463038769