BiblioMANia returns to MAN

11 Apr 2024

Come back BiblioMANia , a now consolidated event that this year surpasses itself, presenting a calendar of events with exceptionally important guests. The series of events promises to be a crossroads of ideas, stories, and inspirations.

Let’s start the May 2 , with an appointment dedicated to Eva Mameli Calvino . His story is told by Silvia Bencivelli and unfolds in a story that highlights the passion and determination of an extraordinary woman.

Let’s continue May 7 with Francesco Pala , which catapults us into the autumn of 1942, to Siberia, for an adventure that touches the chords of utopia and morality, bringing to light complex and profoundly human historical dynamics.

The May 17th , it will be the turn of Mario Botta , a giant of contemporary architecture, who will share his journey through a century of sacred architecture, offering a unique perspective on the art of creating worship spaces that resonate with the divine.

Let’s end on a high note May 24th with Giovanni Floris , which takes us on a literary journey to discover the essential, reflecting on the power of books to transform and define our existence.

Each meeting is an opportunity for rich and stimulating dialogues, led by authoritative voices, across different eras and disciplines.

Thursday 2 May at 6pm

Silvia Bencivelli, Doubt and desire. Eva Mameli Calvino

presents Chiara Alessi

with the participation of Manuelle Mureddu

Eva Mameli Calvino, a pioneering botanist who lived between 1886 and 1978, left an indelible mark in the field of botany, from Sardinia to Cuba to Liguria. Mother of the famous writer Italo Calvino, her life was full of discoveries.

Her story, emblematic of female contributions in scientific fields, is celebrated in Electa’s OILÀ series, which illuminates the lives of extraordinary women in the creative panorama of the twentieth century.

Tuesday 7 May at 6pm

Francesco Pala , Lenin’s Last Journey

presents Federico Pietranera

Autumn 1942, Siberia. On a daring mission across Great Russia, Sergeant Dorotov, Private Antonov and Olga embark on a journey to recover Lenin’s embalmed body, hidden away from the Soviet authorities and the Nazi advance.

Novel winner of the Neri Pozza Prize, it explores the boundary between ideological dedication and reality, in a physical and mental pilgrimage towards uncorrupt morality.

Friday 17 May at 6pm

Mario Botta, Heaven on earth

presents Armando Besio

Through the eyes and words of Mario Botta, one of the most representative figures of contemporary architecture, this book guides us on a journey through a century of sacred architecture, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. With contributions from Fulvio Irace and Alessandra Coppa, the Scheiwiller volume celebrates architectural creations and also investigates the profound meaning of building spaces of worship in the contemporary context.

Friday 24 May at 12:00

Giovanni Floris, The essential

presents Chiara Gatti

In a literary journey that begins with a disturbing dream, the author finds himself reflecting on the salvific and destructive power of books. Imagining a demon devouring the pages of his most cherished readings, he launches into a personal rediscovery through the texts that have marked the various chapters of his life. A book published by Solferino.