10 Apr 2024

“Human Raise” is a hymn to the power of humanity, an ultimate aspiration to join forces and create a present of beauty and harmony, of mutual respect and support, of uniqueness through diversity.

This present is possible and is in the hands of mankind: each of us can make a difference and change the rules of the game today. This is the inspiration that gave life to “Human Raise”, Studio Pratha’s latest creative project.

Studio Pratha is an interdisciplinary, intergenerational group of women whose mission is to breathe new life into an ancient weaving technique through innovative and experimental design.

The exhibition

During the “Human Raise” exhibition, a series of textile artworks will be displayed which are both a celebration of humanity and an invitation to get up again, for a new beginning. Visitors will explore a visual and tactile universe made of surprising shapes and colors, through an unexpected journey where tradition meets innovation, where contemporary design merges with ancient craftsmanship, where old and young generations work together to create beauty.

The event responds to the thematic axis of the New European Bauhaus “Regaining the sense of belonging”: our goal is to innovate while preserving the ancestral poetry of traditions.

Each work of art tells a story that starts firmly anchored to the past and moves decisively towards the future: the public is invited to discover an ancestral universe of artisanal skills handed down over the centuries, to get to know a rural community that wants to maintain a sustainable bond with the surrounding environment, to admire the expert hands of elderly weavers who meet the enthusiasm of the younger generations to create a better future, together.

At the same time, the event calls for the urgency of rediscovering the sense of belonging to our broader human community: we are all connected, part of the same family, responsible for each other.