Workshop – The magic mountain

29 Mar 2024

March 29th 5-7pm

An in-depth workshop on the project will take place on 29 March in the teaching room of the MAN museum The Magic Mountain by Micol Roubini.

The Magic Mountain consists of a video installation focused on the situation of the former Balangero asbestos mine, once very important, and the surrounding area, now affected by a reclamation process, but in the meantime suspended in an unresolved post-industrial situation.

In particular, the artist focuses on the complex relationship that the community of inhabitants has with their places, with their history and with the future prospects that lie ahead. The work involved, on Roubini’s part, extensive and multifaceted research and a long relational process.

The workshop will open with an introduction by the curator Gabi Scardi aimed at framing the work by describing its meaning, but also the bodies and subjects that allowed its creation: the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture which supported it in the of the XI edition of the Italian Council (2022), and The screen of art which, with the contribution of nctm and art, promoted and produced it.

We will then proceed with viewing the video installation. Following this, the artist will start from the mining history of these places to delve deeper into the work and describe its development phases.

The workshop is held as part of the inauguration of the exhibition La Montagna Magica by Micol Roubini, at the MAN in Nuoro.

Following the exhibition, Micol Roubini’s work of the same name, a 4-channel video installation, will become part of the MAN’s permanent collection.

The project The Magic Mountain was achieved thanks to the support of the General Management Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture as part of the XI edition of the Italian Council (2022), promoted and produced by Lo scuola dell’arte, with the contribution of nctm and l’arte.


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Deadline for submitting entries: Wednesday 27 March 2024