Nineteenth AMACI Contemporary Day – Saturday 7 October 2023

7 Oct 2023



promoted by


Die Zauberberge _The enchanted mountains

Talk and guided tour as part of the

Residency for young artists from outside Moenia

promoted by the MAN Museum of Nuoro and Monte Verità of Ascona

6 artists for 6 rooms

Tonatiuh Ambrosetti / Maya Hottarek / Lisa Lurati / Giaime Meloni / Elena Muresu / Marco Useli

they talk about it

Alessandro Biggio/ Elisabetta Masala / Chiara Gatti

Nuoro and Monte Verità, two magnetic places rich in history. Two ideal islands, two border lands and, at the same time, of belonging. This is the double scenario of the artistic residencies project resulting from the collaboration between the MAN Museum and the Monte Verità Foundation of Ascona, Switzerland. On a geographical line that leads from the north to the Mediterranean, from Lake Maggiore to Sardinia, the cultural exchange saw the artists reflect on common themes: the experience of walking and isolation, the great wild and luxuriant beauty of nature, the absolute breath of woods with archaic memories and Edenic innocence. Stories of life reduced to its essence have intertwined in these places with primitive forms of spiritualism and autarky. To be reread today in the current situation of critical thought that discusses the ecology of the soul and living.


L workshop for children from 4.00pm to 6.00pm

On the occasion of the Contemporary Day, the MAN teaching department, starting from Munari’s thought according to which simplifying is more difficult than complicating, proposes a graphics workshop with the theme From image to idea: the art of simplifying, a journey into abstraction aimed at children and young people aged 8 and up.

It will be possible to receive information and book by calling tel. 346 3038769