26 Sep 2023

Within the framework of My name is Olympia , the winning project of the PAC2021 call, coinciding with the closing of the exhibition of the same name in the Museum’s Project Space, from 14 to 16 September the artist Alice Guareschi conducted an intensive workshop aimed at artists and professionals in the field of contemporary creation.

Starting from some food for thought raised by the work Je m’appelle Olympia — including the idea of ​​activating a space, of latent memory of a place, of secret life in the absence of spectacle, and attention to the extraordinary potential of silence and emptiness — the work with the participants was divided into different moments and contexts, keeping the MAN as a base camp to explore and involve other important points of the social and cultural fabric of the city, including the Eliseo Theatre. The aim of the three days is to create a direct link between work, artist, museum and territory, with the aim of stimulating the development of critical thinking, comparison and dialogue between disciplines. Through their theoretical-practical knowledge and personal experience, the participants thus became active, questioning figures, bearers of a sensitive gaze on reality.

The images in the gallery are the design response, in the form of a note, to the shared experience.

Workshop participants:

Camilla Cardia lives between ÃŽle-de-France and Sardinia. Through the use of different media, his work investigates the collective perception of space and its modes of narration.

Francesco Deriu He is an architect and has a PhD in architectural and urban design. He lives and works in Oristano, where he deals with the design of new and existing buildings in different scales.

Alice Mocci was born in 1995 in Ghilarza. Co-founder of the “Sono” project, in 2023 she completed the two-year specialist course in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sassari. Explore space and perception through different mediums. It challenges the everyday environment, creating warped visions that reveal new perspectives.

Marianna Ogana , Sardinian artist, she is active between Nuoro and Sassari. He works on the material and immaterial phenomena that determine inhabited, corporeal and universal space.