22 May 2023

COME CORPO LIGHT / Summer school on the art of gesture is a project by Virgilio Sieni created for the MAN Art Museum of the province of Nuoro. Proposed as a path in relation to the historical experience of the school on the art of dance of the great Hungarian choreographer Rudolf Von Laban, it is based on the sharing of practices between space and body where the primary elements of movement-gravity, resonance, transmission, rhythm, flow, dynamics and breathing – become the basis for a shared reading of action between empathy and immersion with the environment, between the search for individual and shared tactile space, between free dances and community of gesture for an ecology of living.

The project offers performances, meetings and creation paths for dance professionals and non-professionals with the idea of ​​creating for the Sardinian territory an unprecedented training context based on participation and reflection on practices between artistic research and the environment, citizenship and care of places through a renewed sense of attention paid to the body as the key to inhabiting complexity.

Concept, choreography, space Virgilio Sieni

Choreography assistance and care Delfina Stella

Music Fabrizio Cammarata, Sòtziu Tenor Nugoresu, Pierpaolo Vacca

Project assistant Carla Onni

Production manager Alessandro Moni

Trick Francesca Usai

A project by MAN Museum Art museum of the province of Nuoro

he was born in Virgilio Sieni National Dance Production Center

In collaboration with OFF THE MARGIN Dance and performing arts production center.

With the patronage of the Municipality of Nuoro

Friday 26 May at 8pm – Nuraghe Tanca Manna, via Martiri della Libertà, Nuoro

THE BATHERS | Performance

choreography and space Virgilio Sieni

Pierpaolo Vacca music performed live by the author (organetto and electronics)

interpreters dancers participating in the creation process

The iconographic theme of the Bathers opens up to a reflection on the body through nudity, a human space where the anatomical feeling of the gesture understood as an archaeological source can be meticulously arranged.

The touch of air on the skin, direct exposure to light and darkness, open the body to a meticulous sensitivity, always listening to nature. The gesture becomes the threshold between feeling and being touched, between what exists and nature.

The performance lends itself to a ceremony on slowness and cracks: a slowness understood as a polyphony of infinite invisible events. Moments of leisure that regulate a dense progression of events on tactility, shape, color and light. A path that seeks to reflect on the nature of the body and the human female. Between the imperfection of nudity and the presumed harmony of the gesture – grace – a third way opens up which looks at the matter between body/archaeology/painting/soul of the bathers.

Saturday 27 May at 8pm – Piazza Sebastiano Satta, Nuoro

AS A LIGHT BODY | Performance

choreography and space Virgilio Sieni

music Sòtziu Tenor Nugoresu

city ​​interpreters and citizens of the city of Nuoro.

The performance, interpreted by a group of local citizens, was born starting from the shared investigation into the care of the movement.

Listening to the cycle of nature and breathing understood as the source ecology of being – but also of moving and traveling – are the nascent elements for the creation of communities of gesture open to all. From the sharing and creation of a vocabulary of minimal and original gestures, ritual sequences and rhythmic modulations arise which feed on the relationship with the place and the growing sense of community, sought in the declinations of the body and shared tactile movement.

In COME CORPO LUCE a community of people reflects and relates through the attention paid to the awareness of the movements generated and forgotten.

Sunday 28 May 11am – MAN


by and with Virgilio Sieni and relatives of the resistant community of Pratobello (Orgosolo)

Music Fabrizio Cammarata performed live by the author (guitar)

Bodies meeting other bodies. Bodies meeting. It is the other who gives the score, the initiation to the first steps, to the forms of dialogue. The body regenerates at this amazement. We look at the minimum, at the marginal, at the barely visible edges of the gesture; the substance of the image and of feeling is sought in the inconspicuous. The task of these communities, of every meeting, is to be present, assimilate the emptiness of the moment, eluding the past and the future. Thus the unspeakable greatness of including oneself, of accepting oneself, is elaborated. The dances that arise restore very high dignity to the person: an otherness from the void, a birth.

In front of the eyes of others is a performance that is born on the theme of meeting and looking at the other. The structure is divided into a direct transmission between the choreographer and a group of citizens invited to participate by accepting a meeting that requires presence and sharing of the performance space, with the shared objective of reinventing themselves through gesture. It all comes from an instant search for the first contacts which develops into dances which from time to time are composed with respect to individual identities. Reference is made to everyone’s experience, to the events that have marked lives in pain and in the strength of resistance. Thus was born a “game of touch” aimed at restoring dignity, freedom and redemption, reaffirming the need for sharing in the future.


Sunday 28 May


Performance / practical lesson by and with Virgilio Sieni

Music Fabrizio Cammarata

The lesson seeks to deepen the sense of origin of the gesture through a process of listening and attention to the declinations of the gaze and gravity. The aim is to reveal how each part of the body communicates with the other, providing an unexpected vocabulary that belongs to each of us. The lesson, conducted by Virgilio Sieni, is open to everyone: citizens, dancers and performers of any age and without specific knowledge of body languages ​​and dance.


VIRGILIO SIENI, Major choreographer artist on the Italian and international scene. Former director of the Venice Biennale Sector, he is one of the most representative and established dancers and choreographers on the European scene. He directs the National Production Center in Florence and founded the Academy on the art of gesture in 2007, an innovative training context aimed at professionals and citizens on the idea of ​​community of gesture. He works for the top theatrical and musical institutions, art foundations and international museums, creating projects on the geography of the city and territories. In 2013 he was appointed Chevalier de l’ordres des arts et des lettres by the French Minister of the French Minister of Culture.